Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New York Straight

Dear Granny,
           I hope this letta find you in good spirits.  Sorry it taking so long to send you a mechiz but I wait for the big bus two days before sombody tell me that is post office I mus go wid this letta.  I not even know is whish part to found it.  The big city bright and loud just like you did tell me. I include the ting what you did give me when I was lefting, for I never did use it so I sennin it back. Don't fret I wrap it up tite tite in the kerchive.  
Anyway, tek care of youself until a come home.  I tink it ago be soon, for foreign nice, but it are very cold and all I can do is wrap-up unda blanket all day.  Not even sun deh outadoor.

Say hello to my bredders for me
Your one and only Granchile 
oddawise Jennifer or Rose or likklefoot    

Send us Grannies best patois response and we'll post it here.  
Post in comments or send responses to or   

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Save The Date - Canada

Save The Date
Tune-in to TVJ for Greetings Across The World
starting December 11, 2011
(times to be posted soon)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unnu gwaan good doh-Thanks For The Laughs

Dear Toronto,
          It was great seeing you again, thanks for putting us up last week.  Sorry I had to leave you so quickly but it was starting to get too cold for me.  Maybe next year I'll come see you in the summer. 

Thanks for the laughs, see you soon!
PS (wa mek yu cyah tun dung e breeze likkle?)

Friday, October 14, 2011

Save The Date - South Florida

Save the date
Tune-in to TVJ for Greetings Across The World
starting December 11, 2011
(times to be posted soon)

Monday, October 10, 2011

A It Dat - Postage Paid

Dear South Florida,
It was fun spending this past week with you. But as they say (who-so-ever dem be), the show must go on. We're off to Canada, but thanks for accomodating us. I'll post those pix you asked about in a few days!

PS...I might have left my toothbrush!

Layta Mi fren!